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Time Well Spent

by Robert Hedrick

Before the sun came up I rolled out of bed,
With little thought of the day that lay ahead.
For since retirement, my life is rather quiet,
Uneventful days and early bedtimes at night.

While I am not as active as I once had been,
I'll find myself working, ever now and then.
By helping with housework at cleaning time,
For a few of these chores appear to be mine.

By summertime, the yard work rolls around,
As the grass grows, then I get to cut it down.
First on the mower, mowing whatever I can,
Finish with the weed eater, is my usual plan.

I spend much time in service to Jesus my King,
Telling my fellow man of the joy He'll bring.
Now this is time I consider as well spent,
If at a time, I have helped someone repent.

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