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Because God

by Kathleen Higham

Before God came to me
I wandered through my life
Cried sometimes, cursed sometimes
Feeling alone in bitter strife.

Living each day in fear
Wondering what will happen next
Survival was my daily quest
A heart so often perplexed.

Before God came to me
One tragedy followed another
The worst nightmare to befall
The loss of my precious mother.

Because God came to me
This burden that I bear
Lifted, shifted, went to Him
Now with Him all I share.

My heart understands loss
But His heart understands more
A brokenness retreats from me
When God walks through my door.

Because God came to me
I surrendered to Him the fight
He became my Warrior
My soul filled with light.

Before God came to me
I did not know how to pray
Even if I wanted the prayer
What words could I say?

Because God came to me
A life once ruled by despair
Has been released from sorrow
When at last I spoke the prayer.

No longer wandering, wondering
Before God came to me
Now I wait in joyful hope
Because God has set me free.

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