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Non Stop

by Robert Hedrick

I'm headed for heaven, though you can't stop me, you can come along,
There will be plenty of room for everyone, only do not tarry for long.
Because whenever your life here is over and it's time for you to depart,
You'll take with you only the things you have stored within your heart.

God gave me ample opportunities and I didn't let them all pass me by,
If I had, then there's no doubt, I'd have missed heaven whenever I die.
Thankfully I accepted Jesus while life still exists within this frame of mine,
Now I am headed home, into heaven, when God decides that it is time.

While you can't stop me from going, I can show you how to get there,
Take the same route that I'm taking by starting with the sinner's prayer.
Talk to Jesus and have faith in trusting Him for forgiveness of your sin,
Then whenever our Heavenly Father is ready, Jesus will welcome us in.

There is no power on earth that can keep me from heaven, I am assured,
Because I believe Jesus died for me and that my way has been secured.
Though you can't stop me, you can sure join the heaven bound team,
And be there, as each member gets their first look at a marvelous scene.

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