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Traveling On

by Cindy Wyatt

Traveling on, traveling on
Til we reach the Son shine land
The Son will be the light
In that place so grand

Traveling on, traveling on
On the upward way
When we see our Savior's face
Will be the happiest day

Pressing on, pressing on
We have to keep up pace
Don't pull out now
We have to finish the race

Pressing on, pressing on
In the power of His might
Soon the race will be won
The prize is just in sight

Toiling on, toiling on
Don't let the battle get you down
Someday very soon
We'll be wearing the victor's crown

Toiling on, toiling on
Worn and weary, resting under his wings
His strength will sustain us
And give us happy songs to sing

II Timothy 4:7
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

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