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Walk The Path To Forever

by Kathleen Higham

Come, will you walk the path?
Now that you have grown
I have loved you forever
I promise, you are not alone.

I was with you in the womb
Every single breath I planned
I have loved you forever
Held your heart in my hand.

Come, will you walk the path?
Unpredictable, maybe so
I have loved you forever
Wherever you go, I go.

Knowing all there is to know
Listening to every prayer
I have loved you forever
Always, always I was there.

Come, will you walk the path?
There is nothing I won't do
I have loved you forever
My life I gave for you.

Please trust in Me dear one
I am walking by your side
I have loved you forever
Cried each tear you cried.

Come, will you walk the path?
The end you cannot see
I have loved you forever
The path, it leads to me.

I will never leave you
Waiting just around the bend
I have loved you forever
Come, come to me my friend.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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