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Time Stands Still

by Kathleen Higham

There is nothing graceful here
It is a fact, we will grow old
But how you do it matters
I want to be humbly bold.

Sometimes pain possesses me
In a new and unusual place
I glance into that mirror
Another line etched in my face.

Now the question of the hair
To dye or not to dye
Silver might look of wisdom
But not so sure, I sigh.

Thinking there is no purpose
If I am not running around
Riding, writing, studying
Then I hear the silent sound.

Is my life about over?
How I pray this isn't so
When exhaustion creeps in
The answer I just don't know.

My prayer life is a bit shaky
A mind not quite so clear
Oh God I'm not ready yet
Feeling just a moment of fear.

Can't believe how fast it went
Each day passes quickly by
Did I make a difference God?
Do You capture each tear I cry?

There is nothing graceful here
Walking slowly up that hill
Lord wait for me on the other side
Where time will always stand still.

2nd Peter 3:8
"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day."

This poem was a finalist in the August 2009 poetry contest

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