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The Christian Soldier's Armor

by Margaret Cagle

Put on the helmet of salvation,
O Christian soldier of the Lord.
Lay up your treasure in Heaven.
On earth, seek not a reward.

Wear the breastplate of righteousness.
Wear it humbly over your heart.
Also carry the shield of faith
To quench every wicked, fiery dart.

Have your loins girt about with truth.
For truth, you must take a stand.
Hold onto the sword of the Spirit,
God's Word, hold in heart and hand.

With the preparation of the Gospel,
O soldier, you must shod your feet.
Give the Gospel story of peace
To whomever you chance to meet.

Then having done all this, soldier,
Always be sure to watch and pray,
For when you do battle with the Devil,
You must read God's Word and pray.

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