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River of Life

by Kathleen Higham

A river reaching out
No knowledge of its source
Flows endless and faithful
Never questions the course.

Embracing the unknown
The purpose is to live
Not to wonder the matter
Just simply to give.

This is the work of God
Something we can't know
But believe in His fullness
Expecting this outflow.

Somewhere it will touch
Every soul that sighs
It flows relentless
To the one that cries.

River of Life, narrow, wide
Then abounding blessing all
Furious or trickling down
To me the waters call.

Not knowing the beginning
That I may never see
The blessing of the words
Words He writes for me.

This is the work of God
Living waters without end
Writing, writing of hope
To yet another friend.

I don't know who or when
Nor if, how, or why
But write I will, I will
Till the river runs dry.

There I stand before Him
The River of Life, the end?
No, God never left my side
He was just around the bend.

John 6:29
"The work of God is this: to believe in the one he sent."

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