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She Writes Away the Years

by Kathleen Higham

I heard a distant thunder, as
Her story unravels in my mind
My eyes ached, hurt, then leaked
When at last she left behind.

The puddles forever in her heart
An author looks into the mirror
Crawling, dragging from life to life
Waits to shed her final fear.

The words are searing, scorching
Perilously close to calamity
Produces this sobbing masterpiece
Through time, skirts insanity.

A woman's heart always hopes
Strength comes in the darkest night
The pillow soaked, I know it well
Reeling from this agonizing fight.

She writes with a trembling hand
She writes, she writes her every cry
Digging deep for honesty, He's there
The finality elusive in her sigh.

Faith, love, truth, hope abides
God fills the emptiness somehow
But love, well love conquers all
The burdens not so weighty now.

She writes, writes away the years
The beginning, the end, the in-between
Creating, the artist hears His Word
Authentically birthed an amazing being.

Her gift pours out endlessly
Lines blur with salty tears
Real, oh it is absolutely real
She writes, writes away the years.

Truth hurts, love hurts, and time
Ah, time sometimes it steals
But when she writes, time comes
Brokenness binds realness, then heals.

You have reached inside your soul
With abandonment, told your story
Truth, love, hope, she writes "Life"
Then to God gives all the glory…..

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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