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Art is Love

by Kathleen Higham

Do not move, do not
A painting, drawing, a song
Eyes riveted in thought
Makes the heart stir, long.

Long? Yes art longs
It tears down the wall
Stops a mediocre life
Brings awareness to all.

A gift, surely it is
Embedded in the soul
Art is love, he said
More than a lofty goal.

Art is love, oh I agree
Mesmerized by the scene
Everything living, breathing
Vivid co-exists with serene.

Some possess this ability
To paint the empty page
Quiet, sweet, gentle, or
Wildly filled with rage.

Art surrounds the bold
Permeates their very being
Perceiving then pursuing
Returns what they're seeing.

They gather, seek each other
Unobtrusively the artists lurk
Portray what others cannot
Evolving from their work.

Art is love, he said
But love is art too
Reflections of the gift
God's gift of art to you.

This poem was a finalist in the September 2009 poetry contest

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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