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Beyond All Chalk

by louis gander

At a campsite recently,
from river to the sky,
we both enjoyed creation,
just my girl and I.

At rivers edge, my baby girl -
can Jesus understand?
Yes, He knows our circumstance
as we stand hand in hand.

Right there along this river
that flows along the shore.
It carries every burden
as we have something more.

The water flows so gently -
the grasses lush and green -
the birds take full advantage
of God's tremendous scene.

While some trees upward tower,
a few are very small -
but here they live together
and there is room for all.

A hint of truth we notice
from glitters off the waves -
and there beyond the twilight
we know that Jesus saves.

A cool breeze enfolds us -
nearby flowers we can smell.
Except for God's begotten Son,
Wendy's very special.

There's no one who is greater
than this, my little one -
for she has taught forgiveness
and made our lives so fun.

No sweeter joy God's offered -
my spirit, Wendy lifts!
What greater things are given
than all her special gifts?

Man thinks that he's so special
but can he 'walk the talk'?
As nothing can surpass God's truth -
exposed beyond all chalk.

As darkness comes across us
still standing on that shore,
we'll one day see more vividly -
God's promise offers more.

For God so loved my Wendy,
He gave her special charms -
and one day she'll be resting in
her Master's precious arms.

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