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Music-A Kiss From God

by Kathleen Higham

Unheard but surely preconceived
Music comes because a man believed
A silent time before he hears the sound
Sweetly fills the air music's found.

This simple man surrenders at His feet
A quiet moment comes before they meet
"I believe" he cries out to the Lord
Then from the man the music poured.

To him no grander gift than this
From the lips of God a Holy Kiss
In brokenness he whispers, "I Long"
Long to sing to God a perfect song.

I believe, I believe, He prays
The melody inside reveals and plays
Deep within his soul it simply flows
From a place that only God knows.

Many tears will fall before he hears
The music soothes away his fears
I believe, I believe, he cries
The Father holds him tenderly and sighs.

To him no grander gift than this
Music fills him with a spiritual bliss
A Christian heart no longer beats amiss
When from the lips of God a Holy Kiss.

I believe, I believe, he longs
The Kiss of God fulfills him in his songsā€¦.

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