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by Kathleen Higham

Knowing early on in life
Minds will devour each book
Deep and heavy thoughts prevail
They have a sacrificial look.

Some are quiet, almost shy
While others are strong, intense
Constantly searching for answers
Their capabilities are immense.

There is a driving force
With monumental concern
Compelling and so fulfilling
A consummate desire to learn.

Now the defining moment
A prayer to serve each day
With dedication deep, profound
God made the docs this way.

How they abhor the disease
Guarding their hearts, they try
But sometimes it's impossible
So, they steal away to cry.

Having touched precious hearts
And shared an intimate tear
I write the words not spoken
Docs hurt, grieve, fear.

For docs are lovers of life
Following this path they trod
Strong, courageous, wonderful
Handpicked, handpicked by God.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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