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The God of Hosts Is His Name

by Margaret Cagle

Who made man with a mind that can reason,
Or made the earth to change from season to season?
Who made a plant to grow from a seed?
Was it mother nature or the Lord indeed?

Who made mountains, hills, and the seas?
Who made wind that blows through the trees,
Or the fish in the sea, or a bird on the wing?
It didn't just happen; God made everything.

It is hard for man with his finite brain
To understand the wind, snow, or the rain,
Or why some men walk and others are lame.
Who understands? The God of hosts is His name.

A big act of love that our God has done
Was the act that He sent us His only Son
To die and shed His blood on a cruel cross
To save our poor souls from sin and loss.

Seek the truth, O friend, from God's Word.
It is really the best news that ever was heard.
You can trust Jesus to save your soul,
And you'll live in Heaven while ages roll.

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