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The Love of Money

by Margaret Cagle

Money is the root of all evil, some say,
But the Bible verse doesn't read that way.
Leaving out words is the Devil's trick.
Some change the Bible so shrewdly and slick.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil."
In our lives this can cause an upheaval.
The love of money can turn us away
From serving God and living His way.

God doesn't dislike money, you see.
He even supplies it to you and to me,
But the love of money causes many to sin.
For money, men hurt and kill other men.

Money can help missionaries spread God's Word
To nations and people who have not heard
How Jesus came to die for our sin.
Money can help those lost souls to win.

Bring your tithe to the storehouse with love,
And let's try to give an offering above
The tenth that already belongs to God.
He will bless us while on this earth we trod.

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