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by Margaret Cagle

One day I heard a person say,
"I'm proud that I'm a humble man."
I thought, "This is an ironic remark.
I'll try to understand it if I can."

It is not easy to be humble sometimes.
We often say, "We have to eat crow,"
When we have to admit we're in error,
And it can be embarrassing, we know.

All through the Bible are examples.
We're told of men who did stumble,
But God forgave them when they prayed
And sought to be meek and humble.

Humility goes a long way with God.
He really hates a proud look.
You'll see that God honors humility
If you take a look in His Book.

O Christian, don't boast about success.
Let your spirit be humble and meek.
Try to please your Heavenly Father,
And for other men's praise, never seek.

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