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Blind Aggie

by Margaret Cagle

An evangelist held some meetings
Many long years ago, I am told,
In the town of Perthshire, England.
It was back in the days of old.

The evangelist chanced to meet a lady,
Who was very old, and she was blind.
They called her simply "Blind Aggie."
She really did not seem to mind.

Blind Aggie prayed for the meetings,
Even though to them, she could not go.
She witnessed to tenants around her.
Yes, her faith had a special glow.

Aggie had a little neighbor girl
For whom she would very often pray.
She finally convinced this girl to go
To one of the meetings one day.

Blind Aggie prayed that this girl
Would get saved at this meeting too,
But the girl did not seem to grasp
What spiritually she really must do.

The young girl went back to a meeting.
"Ye Must Be Born Again," they sang.
This hymn really touched her heart.
It seemed the bells of Heaven rang.

She received Christ that very night,
And to the evangelist it was shown
That Blind Aggie had a fruitful harvest
Of the seeds she had faithfully sown.

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