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The Christmas Tree Story

by louis gander

If Jesus told a story
about a Christmas tree,
would Christmas lights be mentioned
in ways that make us see?

Would He describe the garland
and other fancy things -
like mistletoe and sparkles
and pretty angel wings?

Would He mention ornaments
and colorful designs?
Would He explain the colors -
why present wrappings shine?

Or would He paint a picture
of something more oblique -
of something more descriptive -
of something more unique?

Would His tree not have needles -
but rather be quite grim?
Would His tree not have branches -
except a couple limbs?

Would ornaments be mentioned
or dropped from His details?
Would He, Himself replace them -
along with cruel nails?

Would thorns replace the angel -
that's perched way up on top?
Would love surround that very tree
in blood from every drop?

Would He describe the lighting
that turned so very dark?
And would the mountains echo
His final last remark?

His tree was seen by many folk,
remembered their own way -
but it was very different,
and priceless still today.

If Jesus told the story
about His Christmas tree -
would it have any impact
on folks today, like me?

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