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Consider it all Joy when Trials Come

by George Cuff

The letter from the Apostle James is replete with very strong words.
It's filled with compelling insights that strain, words not easily heard.
"Consider it pure joy, my friends, whenever you face life's trials."
A command as solemn as this one is tends not to elicit smiles.

It's difficult to respond with joy when our faith encounters a test.
Tests of faith tend to annoy and sometimes make me depressed.
But reading my Bible this I know: through testing we persevere.
Then by perseverance we grow, for this is how we mature.

When perseverance completes its work, the believer is not deficient.
When duty calls he will not shirk, for God has made him sufficient
We thank the Lord for yesterday's trials; without them we're incomplete.
We're ready to face the devil's guile without shrinking or retreat.

The second truth James brings to us concerns wisdom's appropriate source.
If we don't receive our wisdom from God, we soon will drift off course.
Three things we do to receive Godly wisdom: ask, believe, don't doubt.
Trust in God instead of this world; it's what believing is all about.

But if you ask in fear and doubt, you're tossed like the waves of the sea.
You'll be confused and do without; you don't know what His will may be.
If this is the kind of believer you are, you sadly wear this label:
"Double minded, windblown and tossed, unbalanced and unstable."

God would not tell us to seek His face if His wisdom He wouldn't bestow.
The wisdom of God that comes from above is superior to that below.
You can trust Him; don't live in fear, His thoughts toward you are love.
Accept His trials, persevere; place your hand in the Father's above.

This poem was a finalist in the December 2009 poetry contest

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