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Proof that our Faith is Genuine

by George Cuff

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above,
Our eternal, never-changing God who pours out grace and love.
Choosing to redeem us, He sent His Son to earth
To grant to us eternal life by giving us new birth.1

Everyone should be quick to listen but slow in angry speech,
For anger cannot bring righteousness or validate what you teach.
Therefore be rid of moral filth, to evil we should not cave;
Humbly receive the engrafted word, for it alone can save.2

Do not merely listen to the Word and think you are receptive,
For listening without doing is a philosophy wholly deceptive.
God has called us to His Law, about His precepts we talk;
We demonstrate our love for God when we walk the walk.3

The man who claims to walk with God is the one whose lips are sealed
By the way he guards his tongue he proves he has been healed.
True religion, faultless and pure, transforms a heart from greed
To focus on orphans, widows in distress and upon all in need.4

1. James 1:17-18 2. James 1:19-21 3. James 1:22-25 4. James 1:26-27

This poem was a finalist in the December 2009 poetry contest

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