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One Baby A Savior

by Robert Hedrick

Many babies have been born into this world since God created man,
However, only One came forth bringing with Him a salvation plan.
It would take a special baby in making such a plan as this succeed,
This was God's Son Jesus, the only One able to meet such a need.

He left a perfect heaven coming to a far from perfect world below,
Born in a lowly stable for there was no place else for them to go.
His life was in jeopardy almost immediately after His birth,
Just as it was in the final years that He spent here on earth.

He didn't have to come in such a lowly manner, it was His choice,
For He could have came as royalty and riding in a Rolls Royce.
However He came into this world not to impress man but save him,
He's our only hope to overcome the world filled with Satan's sin.

There is one reason only that He came to earth leaving His home above,
And this can be summed up in one four letter word and it is love.
He came as a baby and left as a Savior giving hope to all mankind,
By trusting Him we are going to heaven as we leave the world behind.

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