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You Cannot Earn Salvation

by Margaret Cagle

You can't work your way to heaven, Friend,
Not even if you try your ways to mend.
Salvation is a God's gift; you can't earn it.
This is a Bible truth; we need to learn it.

If we could earn salvation, many may boast,
"I'm headed to Heaven; I've worked the most,"
But we all must trust the blood Jesus shed.
He paid it all. Yes, He died in our stead.

You can work a lifetime in a monastery hidden
And never commit the sins that are forbidden,
But if you don't come to God through His Son,
Then it's as if the works were never done.

Yes Friend, salvation is absolutely free,
But it cost our Savior; He died on a tree.
He shed His blood to wash away our sin.
Accept Him today, and have peace within.

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