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Because He Said So

by Margaret Cagle

Some children, it is so sad to say,
Question their parents' rules.
"Oh, why Mom? Really, why Dad?"
Maybe they don't want to rear fools.

"Why do I have to do this or that?
And please, Dad, why can't I go?"
The classic answer comes once more.
"Son, it is because I said so!"

Some Christians have problems too,
Questioning what is wrong or right.
Now "if it's doubtful, it's dirty."
Just hold it right under the light.

The Light is the Bible, God's Word.
We can always use it for our guide.
Then we can pray for God's wisdom.
His wisdom helps us rightly decide.

When seeking for answers, Christian,
To God's Holy Word we should go.
It is always right to obey God's Word
Because our Heavenly Father said so!

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