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Genesis--Part 5--Noah and the Flood

by George Cuff

By the time Noah was born, the world was filled with evil.
Every vile sin one could imagine created social upheaval.
Moral pollution ruled man's heart and spread throughout the earth,
Wickedness flourished continuously, grew stronger with each new birth.

God decided to cleanse the world of man and his sin disposition,
But Noah and family would be spared because of their godly condition.
God summoned Noah, spoke to his heart; gave him a strong commission
Telling him how to build an ark for a very important mission.

"450 shall be its length; its width shall be 75 feet.
If you make it 45 high, the blueprints you shall meet.
Prepare it inside with three strong decks, store up plenty of food,
Make sure you build some living space for your loved ones too."

Noah listened and obeyed the Lord constructing as commanded.
As he built he preached to man with warnings severe and candid.
Shortly after the ark was complete, animals came two by two.
Noah moved his family in announcing man's time was through.

As Noah's family walked the ramp, the worldlings laughed at them
And just before the lightening flashed, the Lord God shut them in.
Right then upon the seventh day, the rain began to fall,
The fountains of the deep broke forth; then water covered all.

For forty days and through the nights, the rains continually fell.
There was safety inside the ark but outside was living hell.
All flesh died that lived on earth, every animal and creeping thing.
Even the mountains were submerged, couldn't see a living thing.

For forty days and forty nights rain beat upon the boat.
They spent one hundred fifty more while in the ark afloat.
Finally the day arrived when all could leave the ark.
Man and animals came outside to give the world a new start.

God blessed Noah and his sons, gave them laws to guide.
He promised that water never again would be a world-wide tide.
Whenever it rains, we need not fear. This is how we know:
God reminds us of His promise in the colors of His rainbow.

Centuries later God acted again when He sent another ark.
Jesus became the ark of salvation to all who give their heart.
Have you entered the ark of safety? Have you trusted Jesus alone?
This is how to be forgiven, assured of a heavenly home.

© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved

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