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Just Say Hello

by Kathleen Higham

As Christians we might falter
But one thing we all know
This world is only temporary
A time is coming when we'll go.

A Mansion waits in Heaven
Where every Christian will meet
Flesh fades and spirit lives
Our souls at last complete.

Yet we sometimes fear the future
Not wanting to say good-bye
Suffering will surely grieve us
Saddened eyes release a sigh.

The promise of life everlasting
Oh it seems like a fairy tale
As tired hearts beat heavily
And bodies begin to fail.

No one shall escape this
Hearts cry out, lay bare
Time steals the youth of today
Still we offer God our prayer.

Do not speak of good-bye
For the Lord loves us so
When we finally see Him
He says, "Just Say Hello."

Waiting on the high hills
Just say hello to your friend
Eternal life means no farewells
It is Life, Life without end.

This poem was a finalist in the January 2010 poetry contest

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