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A Thousand Angels

by Kathleen Higham

Lord I hear their cries
In pieces they come apart
So shattered and broken, from
Words that pierce the heart.

A physical blow, not really
But sometimes far worse
Words vicious and evil
From satan's book of verse.

God would never ordain this
When words defile a brother
Spoken in pain and anger
Still, wrong to hurt another.

Whether it be wife, child, friend
Or maybe a complete stranger
If the tongue is uncontrolled
The soul retreats from danger.

I pray for a thousand angels
Upon your tongue they stand
Holding back those vile words
For love is God's command.

Speak only words of love
If not let silence reign
Better to sever the tongue
Then cause a loved one pain.

Oh Lord I pray for peace
Let the oppressors hear
Then stop the verbal attack
That comes from their own fear.

God has overcome the world
What can man do to me?
When God speaks, remember
Even the oppressor He can free.

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