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Where Jesus Waits

by louis gander

The path of least resistance
is popular and wide.
It's trampled by the simple
until they all have died.

The wind tears homes to pieces
and kills without remorse.
The path of least resistance
will have its way, of course.

But running wise with purpose,
I'm braced against the wind.
I fight the lies that bellow on
the path where all have sinned.

Water flows so freely
while cutting out with force -
the path of least resistance,
while winding its own course.

I swim against the current
and seek the truth upstream,
ignoring cries from foolish
and sin's deceptions dream.

Yes, steadfast I have journeyed -
escaped both wind and flood -
I hold my sights on footsteps
that follow drops of blood.

So follow in the footsteps,
on straight and narrow path -
escape deceptions of this world
where death is sure - and wrath.

Yes, paths of least resistance
are popular and wide.
They carry off the simple
until they all have died.

The wide and easy path is trod
where foolish still discuss -
but walk the straight and narrow one
where Jesus waits for us.

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