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Genesis--Part 12--The Sad Result of Living in Sodom

by George Cuff

The tragedy of his foolish choice has now befallen Lot.
Two of his daughters escaped with him, but sadly his wife did not.
Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar, so he went to a mountain cave.
What happened next, I'm sorry to say, was wicked and depraved.

Lot's daughters were there in despair, a man they could not meet.
The ability to preserve their line was looking very bleak.
The older daughter said to her sister, "We must save our line.
In order to be successful, we will give our father wine."

The oldest gave Lot wine to drink to get him intoxicated.
Then she went in to lie with him, a baby they created.
The second daughter followed suit in this evil degradation.
Both had been taught to overlook truth by Sodom's dissipation.

It makes me sad to see our nation accept immoral distinction.
Unless we repent and change our ways, we're headed for extinction.
TV productions and motion pictures, which encourage illicit sex,
Glorify the very behavior God said to reject.

There is a reason Lot's poor daughters learned to think this way:
They were influenced by their environment each and every day.
Everyone wonders just how and when the devil finally got 'em?
Sadly, my friend, it all began the day they moved to Sodom.

© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved

Genesis 19:30-38

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