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Genesis--Part 14--A Wife for Isaac

by George Cuff

The years flew by quickly and Isaac grew up; Sarah passed away.
It was time for Isaac to take a wife to live with him all his days.
Abraham called for a trusted servant to help find Isaac's bride.
He would travel to Abraham's people trusting God to provide.

The servant left with ten strong camels on the journey to Abraham's clan.
His master had said that God would lead in his mission now at hand.
He pondered aloud just how he would know the one he was looking for.
He was still praying for success as he came to the well at Nahor.

The servant asked God to make it clear and erase all lingering doubt.
He wanted the girl to be at the well when he arrived from his long route.
If she were the one, she would give him a drink with an attitude pure and true.
But not only that, there was more: she would water his camels too.

Now it came about that a lovely girl—Rebecca was her name—
Was present to draw some water at the moment the servant came.
The girl was gracious, smart and humble. You could see she was a prize
Guaranteed to be attractive to any young man's eyes.

Everything happened as he had prayed so he asked for a place to stay.
She replied, "You may stay with us. We have plenty today."
The servant was thinking, "She may be the one. I hope there is no other."
Imagine his joy when he found out her grandpa was Abraham's brother.

The Bible tells what happened next as the servant repeated the story.
He told them all about Abraham careful to give God the glory.
Bethuel said, "We will give Rebecca to you, for this is a God-type thing."
The servant then presented the gifts that Abraham told him to bring.

Soon they began the long, long journey back to Abraham's land.
As they drew near Rebecca saw a wholesome and handsome young man.
The servant told her it was Isaac, her groom and Abraham's son.
That very day he gave a report of all that the Lord had done.

The Bible doesn't relate the account of their wedding feast.
It simply says Rebecca was loved and Isaac's joy increased.
God's grand plan is nearly complete for Israel's first generation.
Thus we can see how Isaac was groomed to lead the fledgling nation.

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