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Genesis--Part 21--Joseph's Early Years

by George Cuff

Israel had a favorite son; Joseph was his name.
With Rebecca as his mom, his treatment wasn't the same.
The Patriarch's home life wasn't good. The environment was rife
With heartache and wounded spirits leading to family strife.

Perhaps it was his billowing grief as he mourned Rebecca's death,
But any way you examine it, he treated Joseph the best.
No one knows the little things that got his brothers' goat;
They couldn't avoid jealousy's sting as they saw his special coat.

When Joseph was about seventeen, he put forth quite a claim.
He told his brothers about a dream that really fanned the flame.
In his dream the other sons before him were bowing down.
They found themselves deeply offended and didn't want him around.

The second dream revealed three clues: sun, moon, and eleven stars.
Carefully now think this through to determine just who they are.
The sun was his father, the moon his mom; the sons the eleven stars.
Joseph reaped misery for sharing his dream and future time behind bars.

His brothers, of course, rejected him and wouldn't consider the claim.
In their mind he was arrogant and needed to shoulder the blame.
They conspired to do away with him and threw him in the pit.
Sold a slave he distinguished himself for efficiency, wisdom and wit.

He served the house of Potiphar, the captain of Pharoah's guard,
Excelling in such an incredible way, he earned his high regard.
Under Joseph, Potiphar's house was blessed from the very first day.
Whatever orders Joseph gave, the servants were quick to obey.

There is more to learn from this account as we study Joseph's story,
For even as his troubles mount, his attitude gives God the glory.
Joseph embraced each hardship he faced asking God for might
To entrust himself fully to His grace and strength to shine as light.

This poem was a finalist in the January 2010 poetry contest

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