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Hats Off To Aunt Hattie

by Margaret Cagle

Aunt Hattie was a dear poor widow,
But she loved her Savior and Lord.
She loved to help other people,
And she never sought a reward.

Hattie taught a Sunday School class,
And she loved every girl and boy.
She prayed for each one everyday.
They filled her heart with much joy.

When these children became adults,
She still loved them like her kin.
They all came back to visit her
When they became ladies and men.

They affectionately called her Aunt Hattie.
They knew Aunt Hattie prayed for each.
They knew that none could go so far
That Aunt Hattie's love couldn't reach.

Bill was a nice young man in her church,
Who was called to preach as a teen.
He planned to attend a Christian college,
Though his finances were very lean.

Bill needed money for college tuition,
And he also needed a good car,
For he had to go away to college,
And the Christian college was afar.

Aunt Hattie cashed in one policy
Of insurance she really needed to keep.
She wanted to help Bill all she could
Because his faith was taking a leap.

Aunt Hattie gave Bill her car and money.
"Aunt Hattie, I just can't take this!"
Placing her hands on her hips, she said,
"So this blessing you want me to miss?"

Bill just cried and hugged Aunt Hattie.
"Aunt Hattie, I am speechless now!
Hats off to you, Aunt Hattie! Thanks!
I know the Lord will bless you somehow!"

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