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One Together

by Robert Hedrick

I've been given one life on this earth and one life here is all I'll live,
With this one life I intend to serve The One God with the best I can give.
Joining with one body of believers who share together in one accord,
This being to give praise and honor to One Savior Jesus Christ our Lord.

I can do this for once I was born again and once is enough you see,
Because when Jesus saved my soul He made only one trip to calvary.
He went there so that my battles and your battles with sin can be won,
Then He accomplished this because He was God's One and Only Son.

As God created the world He created many things but only one man,
Then He created him in His own image for it was God's creation plan.
While creating He could've populated the earth if He had wanted to,
However there was just one and later another before He was through.

God gave people the ability to populate the earth to where it is today,
If we are united as one body of believers then we live God's way.
Placing Him as number one in our life with serving Him our main goal,
Someday it'll be worth it all when our name's called on heaven's roll.

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