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Put In The Word

by Robert Hedrick

Now's the perfect time to open your heart and let Jesus enter in,
Confessing that without Him there is no hope of conquering sin.
For you now believe He gave His life that yours can continue on,
On past this world and from here into an eternal heavenly home.

You've joined God's family now you have some growing to do,
If you will get into His Word and let His Word get into you.
For spiritual knowledge can be had on each page of this book,
With an opportunity for you to grow every time you take a look.

As you become grounded here God will have seeds for you to sow,
In becoming a witness to those who are as you were not long ago.
The greater supply of the word you put in the greater you get out,
To tell the lost thus saith The Lord is what witnessing is about.

If you are a babe in Christ or was saved years ago at an early age,
God's Word has something for evrybody with the turning of each page.
Then if you're faithfully in the word it will most likely be in you,
And when God is depending on you, you'll be able to come though.

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