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A Smart Heart

by Robert Hedrick

A prepared heart at the day's start may end on an upward scale,
By putting in some positive thoughts that will help it to go well.
Then wherever the day might take you the results are the same,
With a prepared heart it ends with the mind in a positive frame.

If yesterday's events made you bitter and you're carrying it around,
Although you were treated unjustly, do not let this get you down.
Before beginning this day clear your heart and get it out of the way,
It just might prevent another problem from leading you astray.

The world can give you thoughts that will make your day go sour,
You have the ability to turn them around with God given power.
He gives all of us the power to control whatsoever enters our heart,
The closer our walk is with Him the smoother the day will start.

The heart that harbors any hate isn't likely to have a fruitful day,
For often the ugly head of hate rises up and will trouble the way.
It's time then to remove this pollution and replace it with love,
With none so pure as that we can receive from Our Father above.

This poem was a finalist in the February 2010 poetry contest

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