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A Wasted Day

by Robert Hedrick

Lord, as I come to You at this evening hour and close my eyes to pray,
I would first ask Your forgiveness Father if indeed I wasted this day.

As I passed through the day did I honor You with my actions and my words,
Would those I met realize I belonged to You by what they saw and heard.

Lord, I wonder did I fail to point that one to You who came before me today,
Or did I just overlook this opportunity You gave in hurrying to go my way.

Father, I know that it's You putting me into the day and You do it for a reason,
Then whenever I waste one of these it will be the wrong one that I'm pleasing.

Now Lord, as I close in prayer thanking You for the forgiveness I have tasted,
If You allow me to be a part of tomorrow I'll honor You and it won't be wasted.

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