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Ballet in the Sky

by Kathleen Higham

I am quiet, pensive
Deep in my own thought
When to the sky I look
I am mesmerized, caught.

God's amazing feathered ones
Dance merrily to His tune
Elegance and grace beguiles
When to the earth they swoon.

Oh, how beautiful the sight
Then in my heart they soar
A ballet from the heavenlies
Flies through God's open door.

There is an absolute silence
But an orchestra is there
Choreographed by Him alone
Divine creatures fill the air.

My eyes travel with them
In their midst so high
Carried to that Holy place
Fluttering wings bring a sigh.

A scene that was so incredible
He staged this lovely display
A ballet in the sky from God
Once again He blessed my day.

This poem won second place for the February 2010 poetry contest

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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