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Outrageous Lover

by Kathleen Higham

Be an outrageous lover
We're not to addictively judge
Or question the heart of another
Never to burden a grudge.

Repenting of all called religion
Expressing unsurpassable love
Do not polarize theology
Acknowledge He is perfect above.

Present with a gentle nature
Along with Divine introspection
Longing to love unconditionally
Then pray for this correction.

Be an outrageous lover
In your personal life just live
Compassionate to the sins of others
With a heart that desires to give.

My thoughts sometimes betray me
With an arrogant, haughty pride
Thinking my sin is less vile
Remorsefully, pitifully, I cried.

For I am surely no better
Though loving words I write
They mean absolutely nothing
If I judge another's plight.

Be an outrageous lover
Study yourself in the mirror
Observe the worst sinner of all
The one who is without fear.

So, fear only your maker
Let the mirror reflect and see
All that God will ask of you
Be an outrageous lover like Me.

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