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Numbers--Part 10--Farewell to Moses

by George Cuff

Moses climbed the hills to Mount Pisgah across from Jericho.
There he saw the land of Judah where Israel soon would go.
This is the land the Lord had promised first to Abraham.
Israel would soon go in to possess it by the power of God's hand.

Moses spent his final hours in the presence of God on high.
Then they journeyed to a valley where Moses lay down to die.
It wasn't a man that buried Moses on that final day,
For God especially loved this one who followed Him all the way.

For thirty days the people mourned as they camped upon the plains.
They remembered how he delivered them from slavery's evil chains.
Now they would turn to Joshua, the leader God had anointed,
But there's never been a prophet like Moses, the leader God appointed.

I hope to live for many more years, but this one goal I seek:
To use the years that may remain to accomplish a faithful streak.
If we become a winner in life, it's not about earthly goals.
It's all about how we serve the One who lovingly saved our soul.

Lord, I know that I'm not Moses, nor could I ever be,
But oh how great is my desire to serve You faithfully.
I ask You now to anoint my life, to make me fruitful for Thee.
Help me become all you envisioned the day You created me.

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