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When In Doubt 2-28-10

by louis gander

When friends and family disappear -
When pride and courage turn to fear -
When all is gone and all seems lost -
When spirit dies, then what's the cost?

When at a loss and don't know why -
When all we do is cry and cry.
When time goes on, but we cannot -
What if, about us, God forgot?

When sin controls and we're pitch black -
What happens if God turns His back?
Oh, what if God just didn't care
And let us fall in deep despair?

Should we give up and lose all hope -
When there's no way in life to cope?
No. God is faithful, God is just -
And in Him only, we can trust.

For God so loved - and sent His Son -
And did not quit - till He was done.
So when in doubt, just say a prayer -
Remember God is always there.

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