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My Cry

by Robert Hedrick

As I called out to the Lord, He heard my cry,
His answer was, fear not my child, here am I.
I will never forsake you, you have My Word,
Then as you pray, your every prayer is heard.

First open up your heart, inviting My Son in,
He died for you and He'll forgive all your sin.
As the old man's replaced by one that is new,
Your feelings for others takes a different view.

Then He led me to His Word that I might grow,
Because it held all the truths I need to know.
He then sent in The Holy Spirit to be my guide,
That is when the new man began to grow inside.

The Word began to unfold before me His plan,
On how to witness for Him to my fellow man.
He brought me far since He first heard my cry,
Still often He reassures me, fear not, here am I.

This poem was a finalist in the March 2010 poetry contest

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