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The Water's Edge

by Robert Hedrick

From the water's edge they came, one by one,
To be submerged in doing what Jesus had done.
Because He was baptized when He was on earth,
Steps in following Him after their second birth.

Their sin debts had already been washed free,
By the blood Jesus had shed there on Calvary.
Water cleans the outside, but sin stains within,
While we may look clean, we'd better look again.

It's out of the water, into fields white as snow,
With the harvest ready, there are seeds to sow.
There's a strong desire to serve and take a stand,
To follow Him on earth and on into glory land.

From under water, it is on up to higher ground,
Where the wonderful blessings of God are found.
Just follow Jesus and that is where they will be,
Not only here on this earth, but on into eternity.

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