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The Handwriting On The Wall

by Margaret Cagle

"The handwriting on the wall"
Is a phrase we sometimes say,
But it originated from the Bible.
It happened in Daniel's day.

King Belshazzar did not serve God.
He was really arrogant, in fact.
He saw the handwriting on the wall
And was judged for his foolish act.

King Belshazzar proclaimed a feast
For his lords, princes, and wives.
They drank wine from the temple cups,
Just having the time of their lives.

Then came forth a man's fingers,
Which wrote something on the wall.
The king's countenance was changed.
A hush then came over them all.

No one could interpret the words,
Among the astrologers, not a one.
Daniel was called in to read them,
And the interpretation was done.

"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin."
"Your kingdom is over, Oh King.
You are weighed in the balances
And found wanting," the words ring.

The same night, the king was slain,
After the handwriting on the wall.
Take a lesson from King Belshazzar.
Upon almighty God, you need to call.

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