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Growing Through Dark Days

by Robert Hedrick

We could ask this question, does God have us a brighter tomorrow,
Or will the days ahead bring with them a lot of trouble and sorrow.
For there have been both in the past and we know what each can bring,
One causing the tears to flow while the other can make our heart sing.

Looking at the brighter ones first, for these are easier to be sure,
This happens when most things go our way, with few problems to endure.
Then at that time, it is easier to wear a smile and put forth our best,
Later, when we lay down to sleep, receiving a very peaceful night's rest.

It was easy to get the bright day in, but now the dark one comes around,
Now then it can take away our smile and replace it with a scornful frown.
Turning a perfectly good day, sour and then keep us from doing our best,
Sometimes even following us well into the night and disturbing our rest.

No doubt, some of the dark days are tough and difficult to get through,
However they may be growing times, in teaching us Who we should turn to.
To make us realize our weaknesses and see how much we depend on The Lord,
That during those dark times, we need the Light that only He will afford.

This poem was a finalist in the March 2010 poetry contest

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