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Imagine Time This Way?

by Kathleen Higham

Oh, I have failed in life
As time is racing by
Success has eluded me
The thought makes me sigh.

It's a matter of the mind
Those who have might say
I have not acquired much
My life is passing away.

Yet here I stand in awe
When a secret would reveal
A desire for a material thing
I pray, "God let me be real."

Knowing it doesn't matter
These things that I acquire
God sees my selfish heart
My face turns red as fire.

So ashamed for this need
My friend has reminded me
That time and trinkets fade
But God wants me to see.

That time is of no essence
And the things I bemoan
They have no real value
I'll leave this world alone.

My quest for timelessness
This promise He will keep
A poem plays in my mind
As I fall peacefully to sleep.

Crystal waters of azure blue
Foamy waves lap the shore
A picture painted in my soul
Endless love forevermore.

How I long to write of this
Even more to simply acquire
A moment in time with Him
For He is my only desire.

See His footprint in the sand
There's no hour in the day
God walks me to eternity
Imagine time this way?

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