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The New Member

by Robert Hedrick

If you are new in God's family, you've put your life in the best of care,
As you find comfort and understanding supplied by the love He'll share.
Receiving blessings that before salvation, you didn't realize was there,
These will continue to come for as long as there is faith in every prayer.

Never give up on your prayers, in thinking that God has neglected you,
For now your soul belongs to Him and it is something He will never do.
His Word clearly states that all you need to do is ask and you will receive,
Then it's a book full of truths and one thing it will never do, is deceive.

God's love for you is genuine and His will is that you will have the best,
The manner in which He answers prayers may well put your faith to the test.
Because He can see your actual needs and not just what your eyes desire,
Then these are those times He keeps you from getting burnt by the fire.

Now if you'll seek The Holy Spirit to guide your petitions when you pray,
There is a much better chance that you'll begin to see things God's way.
As you begin to read and study the bible, allow Him to lead you through,
Soon you'll discover that new person inside, for God now lives in you.

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