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Judges--Part 8--Samson and Delilah

by George Cuff

When Sampson saw Delilah that day, feelings of love swept through him.
But she attempted to lead him astray so the Philistines could subdue him.
"Tell me the secrets of your great strength. How can you be restrained?"
"Tie me with some brand new rope" Samson quickly proclaimed.

So Delilah tied him with new rope tight just as Samson had said.
But just when his capture was in sight he snapped them off like thread.
When this trick failed she tried again but clearly she was failing,
She pestered him for days on end with constant nagging and wailing.

One day when she once again pled, he told her about his long hair.
"If you were to shave my head, my strength would no longer be there."
Delilah kissed him and stroked his face til he fell asleep in her lap.
The barber sneaked in and cut off his hair while he was taking a nap.

When he awoke he heard her shout, "The Philistines are here."
He arose, stretched out his arms; suddenly experienced fear.
His strength, once great, had abandoned him and to his sad surprise,
The Philistine army captured him and cruelly gouged out his eyes.

So there he was working in prison pushing the grinding stone.
His dignity and freedom was gone, his life no longer his own.
Day after day he plodded along, his head bowed in silent prayer.
No one saw he was growing strong or noticed his flowing hair.

There came a day for a pagan assembly, a time to celebrate.
They brought Samson into the temple laughing at his fate.
He stumbled through the pagan shrine until he found the main pillar.
Crying to God, he pulled it down; it became a Philistine killer.

Samson also died that day as the temple came tumbling down.
But the God of Israel heard him pray, made him a man of renown.
Samson killed many with feats of strength before he went astray.
But never had the Philistines suffered as they did on that day.

Samson was a mighty man, but given to many vices.
He fell victim to Satan's plan and to his evil devices.
We can avoid the devil's schemes, overcome his evil charmers
If we stay close to our Lord supreme and put on our spiritual armor.

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