It's that time of year again
The leaves scattered on the ground
To give thanks to God, Amen !
For our loved ones all around
I know I haven't said it much
And not very often sad to say
But I sure love my mom and dad
And my sister every day
I'm grateful for my nieces too
Seeing them grow up was a blast
The early years just moved so slow
The latter much too fast
God has blessed us one and all
Through good times and the bad
Sometimes the only ones to call
Were the family that we had
So I come before you now
With gratitude and prayer
That we are gathered once again
All together here
To thank the Lord for all we have
And for those of whom we care
For all of our provisions now
At this most special time of year
Bless this time and bless our food
And bless us when we go
Thank you for the memories of
Another year we've come to know