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Salvation Monday

by Robert Hedrick

Sure it's Monday, but cheer up, this could be your day,
No lottery won, yet greater things might come your way.
If you're lost, by nightfall, your life could become new,
By asking Jesus in, something He's been wanting to do.

Now put Him first in your life and then you'll discover,
True joy in living, that before was impossible to uncover.
Finding peace passing understanding with love to share,
Then when you call on Him, you know He will be there.

The eyes of your heart open, allowing you to see the lost,
Without salvation, their eternity will demand a high cost.
For someone witnessed to you, now you can do the same,
Perhaps lead some away from the torture of hell's flame.

Then as the Monday mornings just keep coming around,
Remember, one's special when you became heaven bound.
Today God's part of them and they are not bad anymore,
For thank You Lord fills your heart going out the door.

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