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Lean Toward The Light

by Margaret Cagle

Saint, observe growing green plants,
And a spiritual lesson you can learn.
As that green plant grows and thrives,
Toward the sunlight it will turn.

If a plant is placed in darkness,
It surely will not grow and thrive,
But place that plant near sunlight,
And the plant will likely survive.

Just like green plants, Christian,
For our Christian life to survive,
We must walk daily in the Son's light
And exercise a faith that is alive.

If we dwell on evil and darkness,
And no service to Jesus we render,
It will stunt our Christian growth,
And our faith, it will surely hinder.

Let us lean toward the Son's light
And walk daily in His great love,
So He will say, "Well done, my child,"
When we reach that Gloryland above.

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