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God's Grace Abounds

by Margaret Cagle

Over sixteen years ago now,
I went to church one Sunday morn.
I heard some very joyful news.
Don's and Shaun's son Tommy was born.

After a few church services,
They brought him to church with them.
Everybody "oohed" and "aahed"
As they all took a look at him.

When I worked in the nursery,
I enjoyed that little baby boy.
He grew older and carried his blanket,
And he held onto his favorite toy.

As Tommy became a toddler,
He never really spoke a word.
Then someone said to me at church,
"Poor Tommy! Have you heard?"

The doctors had told his parents
That Tommy has autism, you see.
"He will probably never talk,
And normal, he will never be."

His parents fervently prayed,
"Let him speak to us, Dear God.
Are we having to pass a test,
Or is this a chastening rod?"

Over the years of Tommy's life,
God answered many a prayer.
As Tommy began to say words,
His parents would always share.

Tommy is now a tall teenager,
And he still has autism too,
But Tommy got saved and serves God,
And he talks as well as me and you.

Tommy makes good grades in school.
He is a whiz on computers too.
God has answered many prayers,
And Tommy knows this is true.

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